Sunday, October 26, 2014


Earnest Hemmingway was a very famous fisherman, boxer, hunter and writer.  He invented a style of writing  He ran with the bulls in Pampalona.  he lived in Cuba, Paris, and Oak Park. He was on the front of World War I and II.  He was married four times and had numerous affairs.  He was an alcoholic.  His writings are interesting, exciting, and well written, but I dislike Hemmingway as person.  If i had not seen the documentary and gotten a glimpse of what he was really like, I would believed the masculine facade and never have guessed that he was a whiney, attention seeking, brat.
Not only did he pretend to be a war hero after World War I, in order to seem manly, his lack of loyalty with his numerous wives and friends caused me to lose all respect for him as a man.  Sure he did a bunch of cool "manly" things, but when it came down to the grit and substance that real men have, Hemmingway came up short.  I mean, anyone can shoot a lion, but it takes a real "man" to want fight your friend over a woman you want to sleep with, that is not the woman your married to.