Sunday, March 1, 2015

Native Sons

  Bigger Thomas is a very complex character. His race and the society that he lives in molds who he is, and it did a terrible job. He is a hateful, paranoid and stupid person. Bigger himself does not fully understand his motivations and will to live, and I dislike him for it.
  Bigger is an idiot. His insecurities, selfishness and ego put him and those that care for him in danger. His emotional temper tantrums take his anger out on his friends. Attacking a person that you call your friend just to convince yourself and the others in the group that you are not scared is not only being a jerk, but it shows Bigger's complete lack of coping skills that make a sane person. He is also just plain old crazy. He managed to convince himself that by accidentally killing a white girl, he is special, powerful even. His twisted mind turned an unfortunate death caused by alcohol and bad decisions into some mystical experience that made Bigger able to "see" people for what they are. Instead of remembering Mary's murder as a night of mess-ups and regret, he turns into something fated and good. Bigger is so messed up that he even hates his mother for wanting him to work to improve the family's living conditions.  My only opinion on Bigger is that he is just a power hungry, angry, insane, miserable person.

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